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20 February 2022
On the Southern California Beaches page photo #5481 was added to the Wayfarers Chapel section. Also the Cabrillo Beach section was added in its entirety.
5 July 2021
Added picture #5143 to the Misc. Other Pictures page.
5 July 2021
Added picture #5143 to the Misc. Other Pictures page.
Mesa Verde National Park
This picture (along with #0408) were taken from the Sun Point View overlook. At Sun Point View you can see several examples of these dwellings (including Cliff Palace, Sunset House, etc.). The Ancestral Pueblo people did not always live in cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde. For the first 600 years they lived on the mesa top. The move to the alcoves began around 1200 CE and by mid-century, there were more than 30 cliff dwellings in the Cliff and Fewkes Canyon neighborhood.
Picture Number: CM2_0377
Date: September 2019
Camera: Nikon D7100
ISO: 400 Shutter Speed: 1/125 sec
F-Stop: f/5.6 Lens: 260 mm
This is a picture of Spruce Tree House from the visitor center. Spruce Tree House is the third largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde. It was constructed between about 1211 and 1278 CE by the ancestors of the Pueblo. The dwelling contains about 130 rooms and 8 kivas, or ceremonial chambers, built into a natural alcove measuring 216 feet at greatest width and 89 feet at its greatest depth. It is thought to have been home for about 60 to 80 people. A natural sandstone arch is present in the Spruce Tree House alcove, just above the cliff dwelling. The cliff dwelling was first discovered in 1888 when two local ranchers chanced upon it while searching for stray cattle. A large tree was found growing from the front of the dwelling to the mesa top. It is said that the men first entered the dwelling by climbing down this tree,
Picture Number: CM1_4896
Date: September 2019
Camera: Nikon D7100
ISO: 200 Shutter Speed: 1/60 sec
F-Stop: f/10 Lens: 55 mm
This picture (along with #0408) were taken from the Sun Point View overlook. At Sun Point View you can see several examples of these dwellings (including Cliff Palace, Sunset House, etc.). The Ancestral Pueblo people did not always live in cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde. For the first 600 years they lived on the mesa top. The move to the alcoves began around 1200 CE and by mid-century, there were more than 30 cliff dwellings in the Cliff and Fewkes Canyon neighborhood.
Picture Number: CM2_0408
Date: September 2019
Camera: Nikon D7100
ISO: 200 Shutter Speed: 1/60 sec
F-Stop: f/10 Lens: 360 mm
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